Saturday, January 23, 2010

Long overdue....

I know that this post is long overdue, but on a lazy Saturday afternoon I have finally found the time to blog.

A quick update on life. Luis and I are enjoying our fourth month of marriage. I'm still teaching 3rd/4th grade. My class has grown to 8 students and I now have three girls. We just finished learning our multiplication tables, and it is one of the few times that I felt like I have actually really taught them something. I really like teaching, but I am reminded daily that it is not in my own strength that I'm doing this for sure!

In December Luis was promoted! He is now in regulation at Union Fenosa. Its been a great new challenge and he really likes his work

We got to go back to California for Christmas. It was really nice to see family and friends and just relax for a couple of weeks.

Well, the real reason for my post is that I finally got to do some crafting today. I would love to eventually make a small business out of sewing and embroidery so I thought I better take a shot at it.

Now this is not some secret code that we are expecting or that I even have baby fever :P! So what do you think? And it only took me a couple of hours! I've got to find a better way to transfer patterns though. Anyone have any tips?


  1. Hi Brittney! Just found your blog. Excited to keep up with you guys. Miss you, for reals.
